Solutions & Licensing

There's and app for that - but it will cost you.

Nephos services - Solutions & Licensing

Software licensing is becoming more complex and often represents a significant part of the IT budget. Cloud computing services bring many benefits, but also additional challenges in terms of the number and types of available services and their alignment with your business model and priorities. 

Our team of vendor-independent experts can help you to evaluate, optimize, and manage your software assets.

We provide a complete service – from education, financial and technical assessment of the current situation, designing the process of managing software assets to managing the procurement process, and negotiating the best conditions with your software vendors.

Nephos is partnering with Microsoft and Also to provide the best options for purchasing Azure, Office 365, Power BI, and other cloud services through the Cloud Solution Provider program (CSP). We hold a Gold status in Microsoft Partner Network with several decades of accumulated licensing experience.

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